E1: UI Basics Technical Essay

30 Jan 2023

These WODs are nothing new to me. I have done these last semester. So, instead of looking at the screencast video, I tried doing it first just to see what I remember. Instead of watching the video, I refer to the codes from last semester. I reviewed all the codes, check what I was missing or what is wrong.


For BH1, I did it first without recording just to see what I remember. I pretty much I remember everything. Though it took me 3 tries to finish it withing the Rx time. My first attempt, I can't get the list highlighted. I checked my old codes and I typed in the wrong code. Instead of < li > I put in < link >. For my second attempt everything was good except for one of the list it is not highlighted. I doubdle checked but I can't figure it out until it was over the Rx time already so I stopped and compared my old codes to the new one. It turns out, the </a> is not in the right place. And on the third try, I was able to finish the WOD within the Rx time.


BH2, is the easiest I would say. It only took me 2 tries to finish it under 10 mins. Just like BH1, I looked at my old codes to review it then I gave it a try. My first attempt, I was having trouble with the image size. The pictures were still the same size and it's not moving. I tried to do the live server, then I would change the size number but the picture is not moving or changing. I double checked with the other codes, and it turns out I was missing the src link of the image.


This WOD is the one I had a hard time doing. The nav bar and putting the text side-by-side is where I was getting mistake all the time. For the nav bar, I was trying to put them in line but I can't and I realize i forgot to fix my style css. Putting the text side-by-side, it's either one would be o right while the other two is still in the same place. I have to redo everything and check what was my mistake. I was just missing some codes or it is in the wrong place.

My advice to future ITM352 students, take good notes of the lesson and when you are stuck on something, just refer to your notes. At least, looking at your notes multiple times, the lesson or what you learned will get stuck in your head and you will easily remember it when you do are doing codings. But if you are a visual learner like me, then screencast videos will helped a lot. But don’t watch the video first before doing the work because I feel like there is no challenge at all. Try it first to see where you’ll get stuck, watch the video, then redo everything.