E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

18 Feb 2023


In this essay, I will be talking about the last WOD I’ve done, which is the Invoice 1. For this WOD we have to create a sales receipt with 5 different products.

My Experience

For my experience, it took me a few tries until I'm able to finished the WODs under twenty minutes. I was doing good from tasks 1 to 7. When I reached tasks 8, thats when it took me a long time to write the code using the document.write(). I don't know what I was doing wrong because when I opened the live server, I don't see anything. I double checked and I found my mistake. So I redo everything, this time it worked well but I wasn't able to finished it under twenty minutes. On my last try, I was able to finished it few seconds before twenty minutes.


What I did to prepare for this WOD was, I looked at the instructions first, I attempted doing it first and see where I'm having a hard time. Once I figure out which part I'm going to take a long time, I focused on that part and remember what I needed to do.

What could have I done better?

In the future WODs, I would probably be do the same thing still. I'll looked at the instructions first, then try my first attempt just to see what I can do and can't do. Then I'll focus on the part where I'm having a hard time writing the codes.