E6: Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective BLOG

12 May 2023

  1. Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards)
  2. For my e-commerce website I decided to make a dessert store. In my store I sell different flavors of cakes, ice cream, and pies

  3. Any notable shortcomings, bugs, problems, or additional features not implemented?
  4. I have a lot of shortcomming to be honest which I'm really disappointed about. I was not able to implement a lot of things such as update cart, send the invoice to the user's email, I don't have the cart icon where it will show the updated items in the cart, and the registration is not working.

  5. Describe what you are most proud of about your system:
  6. What I'm most proud of about my system is that my website is working. With the help of Prof. Port, my website is functional. You can add products to the cart.

  7. Describe what you are least happy with your system:
  8. What I'm least happy about is that there are a lot of requirements that I was not able to put in my website. Even my IR I was not able to make it work. The design is another thing that I'm least happy about. It doesn't look professional which is why I'm eager to learn more about CSS.

  9. How was developing this assignment different than assignment #2?
  10. Assignment 2 and Assignment 3 are both different. In Assignment 3 we were introduce to cookies and session. In this assignment we needed to implement a lot of things

  11. When you ran into a problem, what did you do to address it?
  12. Some problems I had was that I can't add my purchase items to the cart and I can only select one item. When I have problems like this complicated I email the Prof.Port for one on one help and I go to his office hours. But it's simple problem I google it first or ask ChatGPT.

  13. Describe what worked well in doing this assignment?
  14. I honestly don't know how I would start this assignment. Originally I was going to make different pages for each of my product but I will feel like it is too much work. I tried to do the one Prof.Port taught us class but I was having a hard time. So I asked him for help. Good thing I sticked with my last plan because it made my assignment a little easier. That's one thing that worked well for me in this assignment which is being able to generate multiple products display pages in one HTML.

  15. Describe what did not work well in doing this assignment?
  16. What did not work for me was that not implementing my IR, my login page, my registration page, sending it to the users. So pretty much all the things that did not work for me was something that has to do with assignment 2. I wish I was able to fix it but because of time constraint I was not able to do so.

  17. What did you learn from doing this assignment?
  18. For this assignment I learned how a website acutally works. I must say there's a lot of coding just to make a website. I thought it was simple but I was wrong.

  19. If you could go back in time and do things differently, what would you change?
  20. Just like what other people says or the usual saying "I WOULD START THIS ASSIGMENT EARLIER AS IT WAS NOT THAT EASY TO DO. You will 100% sure ran in to A LOT of problems."

  21. Estimate the % of time you spent (a) thinking about how to do something, (b) writing code (but do not include testing, (c) testing and debugging
  22. Assign an estimated percentage on the amount each team member contributed to the assignment (including yourself) and explain briefly your rationale for the percentage breakdown. Be sure to include an overview of what specifically you and your partners contributed (e.g. “I worked on the security and my partner 1 worked on personalization”)
  23. Worked on it all by myself but with the help of Prof.Port my website is working