Katrine Ann Salmasan


I am studying for a B.B.A in Management Information Systems in Shidler College of Business and BA in Philippine Language and Culture. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024.

Interests: Information System, Traveling, Photography, Movies, Trying new food



E6: Evaluation Guidelines and Class Retrospective BLOG

12 May 2023

Briefly describe your system (e.g. A store selling Pokemon game cards) For my e-commerce website I decided to make a dessert store. In my store I sell different flavors of cakes, ice cream, and pies Any notable shortcomings, bugs, problems,...

MIS Assigment3

Checkpoint: Assigment 3

27 Apr 2023

Show what each page will look like. The pages do not have to be “functional” but the design should clear. Here is an example PPT prototype Describe your design for your site’s shopping cart. That is, will it be a...

MIS Assigment3

E5: Reflecting on Assignment 2 Technical Essay

25 Apr 2023

Provide a brief introduction to the assignment along with a link to this page for further details In this assignment we are building up from assignment 1. The first assignment we only have our products page and invoice page. Now...

MIS Assigment2

E4: Progress in Programming Report

13 Apr 2023

My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways: My programming skills have greatly improved in understanding some codes and being able to use them when coding. However, there are times that I make mistakes when coding which makes...


E3: Preparing for WODs Technical Essay

18 Feb 2023

Summary In this essay, I will be talking about the last WOD I’ve done, which is the Invoice 1. For this WOD we have to create a sales receipt with 5 different products. My Experience For my experience, it took...


E1: UI Basics Technical Essay

30 Jan 2023

These WODs are nothing new to me. I have done these last semester. So, instead of looking at the screencast video, I tried doing it first just to see what I remember. Instead of watching the video, I refer to...


See all 7 essays